Experience the future of governance with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), where traditional management structures are reimagined and powered by blockchain technology. DAOs open up a world of opportunities for everyone online, allowing them to participate in decision-making and governance processes without the need for a central authority. Join the movement towards a more transparent, inclusive, and efficient way of running organizations.


What are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)?

In a hierarchical management structure, power often consolidates at the highest levels of the hierarchy, with the rest of the voices not considered in the decision-making process. In response to this inequality, an innovative decision-making approach called DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) emerged. It is a legal entity without a central governing body, where members collectively participate in decentralized decision-making. This creates a unique space for the community, where decision-making power is distributed among all agents in the system. Additionally, DAOs use smart contracts to automate processes, enforce rules, and implement changes, thereby reducing the need for manual oversight and enhancing operational efficiency.

Approach to DAO community involvement

We’re building a DAO system tailored to the system’s goals, based on a holistic view of every aspect and the creators’ ideas. In DAO projects, the most crucial element is the community surrounding the project and efficient communication with them. These projects must be characterized by transparent procedures and democratic voting processes. Key to long-term success are incentives for token holders to participate in voting, so incentive mechanisms should be tailored to the characteristics of the agents. One of the most critical aspects of the system’s operation is developing an appropriate method for calculating voting power to avoid monopolization and centralization. Our team of experts is preparing proprietary methods for calculation based on individual needs of your system. Considering all the system’s needs and its characteristics, we tailor the token deployment and distribution process accordingly.


What areas do we help in?


Token Implementation and Distribution

We specialize in implementing tokens and managing their distribution, ensuring that your project’s digital assets are effectively deployed and accessible to all agents. In DAO projects, the emphasis should be placed on the liquidity and efficiency of voting. It is essential to allocate appropriate token pools in tokenomics, including reserves for rewards to tokenholders for their participation in voting. Additionally, consideration should be given to the speculative nature of agents outside the system who, with its development, may attempt to increase their capital by capitalizing on fluctuations in token prices.


Mapping Agent Behavior

Our team excels in mapping out agents and their behavior within DAOs, ensuring their active participation and alignment with project objectives. Through a deep understanding of motivational psychology, we effectively characterize agents to match them with tailored incentive mechanisms. Characterizing agents allows us to identify conflicting interests among them, which can lead to conflicts and threats caused by misconduct within the system. By recognizing these aspects early on, we can simulate them in detail and develop corresponding remedial measures. Understanding your project’s target audience will be helpful to establish targeted marketing strategies to engage the community effectively.


DAO Incentive System

Designing effective incentive systems is foundational to our work in DAO projects. We prioritize aligning incentives with project goals to foster desired behaviors among participants. Through thorough characterization of agents within the DAO, we develop robust incentive structures. Crucial to long-term project success is motivating active participation in voting processes, proposal submissions, and other project activities. However, it is essential to ensure that incentive mechanisms do not compromise the stability and economic security of the system.


Development and Validation of Voting Power Calculation

In DAO projects, the value of democracy and decentralized decision-making are crucial. Project creators should ensure equal opportunities for all users. Therefore, we can create your own method for calculating voting power within your DAO, ensuring fairness and transparency in decision-making processes. Also, in the validation phase we analyze various scenarios of voting power distribution, taking into account different behaviors of agents within the system. We are paying particular attention to attempts of manipulation in the DAO system and potential monopolization efforts. Based on the simulation results, we develop detailed recommendations.


Integration of Asset Flow

In DAO projects, balancing the value of voting by planning an appropriate token pool for tokenholders and the technical aspect of the system’s proper functioning is essential. We ensure your project is seamlessly integrated into the appropriate technological ecosystem, facilitating smooth asset flow and optimal performance. Understanding the project’s assumptions and topics, as well as the frequency of voting and incorporating them into the entire tokenomics, is necessary for the correct operation of its mechanisms.


Digital Specification

Our team transforms your vision into reality through mathematical specifications. After that, the entire design process is translated into precise, reliable code written in the cadCAD language and developed within a Python environment. These guidelines, documented comprehensively, serve as a manual for project developers, ensuring seamless implementation.

Let’s Collaborate

Whether you have questions, collaboration ideas, or just want to say hello, we’re here and ready to connect. Your inquiries are important to us, and we look forward to engaging in meaningful conversations.

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    Our Expertise

    We specialize in six key areas to ensure the success of your DAO project

    System Discovery

    We enhance your DAO project idea into concrete solutions and mechanisms, leveraging the experience and research of our team.

    System Mapping

    We map your system using methods such as Stock & Flow and agent relationship mapping to understand every asset flow and motivation within the DAO system.

    Mathematical Specification

    Every mechanism we propose comes with a complete mathematical specification and working examples, making it understandable even for non-technical stakeholders and serving as guidelines for developers.

    Digital Twin Creation

    We create a digital twin, coded in CadCAD within a Python environment, which replicates your entire economic system before implementation.


    This allows us to test the functionality and potential of all mechanisms, as well as understand the system dynamics, all before starting to write smart contracts. We anticipate project behavior under various conditions to test its resilience and adaptability.

    Technical Implementation

    Based on the created and validated system specification, we proceed to implement smart contracts. This step translates theoretical solutions into working technological components.

    Building Trust Starts Here

    Our company was founded on the principle of trust, a vital element in the rapidly evolving crypto and blockchain industry. We aim to demystify the complexities of crypto-economics, providing clear and reliable guidance.

    Our focus is to build strong, trust-based relationships with our clients, ensuring they feel confident and supported as they navigate the cryptocurrency landscape with us as their trusted partner.

    Schedule a free consultation

    Frequently asked questions

    How can DAO consulting benefit my project?
    DAO consulting provides expert guidance to define your project’s roadmap, stabilize economic mechanisms, calculating voting power mechanism, characterize agents, create incentive structures and comprehensive project models. Additionally, you receive mathematical specifications, a digital twin, and confirmation of the system’s effectiveness through simulation results. This ensures your project is strategically positioned within the evolving DAO environment.
    What does Crypto Economics consulting involve?
    Crypto Economics consulting involves analyzing and designing economic models within blockchain ecosystems. Our services include system discovery, stock and flow analysis, mathematical specifications, creating digital twins, conducting simulations, and overseeing technical implementation. We aim to optimize your project’s economic strategies for sustainability, growth, and adaptability in the volatile crypto market.
    Can you assist projects at any stage of development?
    Yes! We can assist projects at every stage of development. Whether you have a well-defined vision that needs validation of assumptions or you’re just starting out with preliminary ideas that need to be translated into concrete mechanisms, we’re here to help. Our team can provide guidance from the initial phases of design to validation. We also offer support through blockchain development, ongoing operational support, and system evaluations. Our services are continuously evolving to meet the specific needs of our clients, allowing us to support other project phases as well. If you’re unsure whether we can help with your project, feel free to schedule a meeting with us.
    How to build a DAO system?
    To build a DAO system, start by defining the organization’s purpose and governance rules. Characterize all agents to develop incentive mechanisms tailored to effectively motivate them toward beneficial actions for the system. Design economic mechanisms to stabilize sell pressure and plan tokenomics. Next, develop smart contracts on a blockchain platform, establish a governance token, deploy the token, and create a user interface for participants to interact with the DAO.
    How to implement a token in DAO?
    Implementing a token in a DAO involves strategically understanding the project’s context, the dynamics of agents, and the interests of potential investors. With this insight, we meticulously design an implementation and token distribution plan across all pools, ensuring it is tailored to maximize participation and engagement.
    How is voting power calculated in DAO?
    Voting power in a DAO is typically calculated based on the number of tokens a participant holds. The more tokens one holds, the greater their voting power, although some DAOs may use different mechanisms to ensure a fairer distribution of influence. Our experts develop proprietary formulas for calculating voting power and simulate their effectiveness during the validation process.
    What to do to make DAO resistant to monopoly in voting power?
    To ensure a DAO is resistant to monopoly in voting power, it is crucial to design robust formulas and mechanisms capable of withstanding such scenarios. Implementing an appropriate method for calculating voting power or establishing token caps is essential, as it effectively limits the influence of a single participant with a large amount of tokens.
    How many participants can a DAO system have?
    A DAO system can accommodate an unlimited number of participants. Scalability depends on the underlying blockchain and the design of the DAO’s smart contracts. Another critical factor influencing the number of participants is the effective alignment and execution of marketing strategies. These strategies determine the size of the target audience reached by communication efforts.
    What are the advantages of DAO?
    DAOs offer several advantages, including increased transparency, decentralized decision-making, and reduced reliance on centralized authority. They enable broader participation and alignment of incentives among members, fostering a more democratic and resilient organizational structure.
    What are the goals of the DAO?
    The goals of a DAO vary depending on its purpose, but generally include decentralized governance, efficient and transparent decision-making, and alignment of member incentives. DAOs aim to leverage the collective intelligence and resources of their members to achieve common objectives and drive the organization’s success.
    What is System Discovery, and why is it important?
    System Discovery is the initial phase where we gather in-depth insights into your project’s goals, existing systems, and market environment. It’s crucial for understanding the core mechanics driving your ecosystem, allowing us to identify opportunities for optimization and innovation.
    How do you use Stock & Flow in your consulting?
    We use Stock & Flow analysis to map out the inflows and outflows of resources within your project, helping us understand the dynamics of your economic activities. This aids in identifying inefficiencies and opportunities for enhancing your project’s economic health.
    What does Mathematical Specification entail?
    Mathematical Specification involves translating your project’s economic concepts into precise mathematical models. These models serve as a blueprint for designing robust economic systems, ensuring theoretical soundness and practical viability.
    Can you explain the concept of a Digital Twin / System Model?
    A Digital Twin is a virtual replica of your project that allows us to simulate and forecast outcomes without risking actual assets. It’s a powerful tool for experimenting with different strategies and predicting potential issues in a controlled environment.
    How do Simulations benefit my project?
    Simulations enable us to explore various scenarios and predict the behavior of your project under different conditions. They help validate our models, adapt strategies in real-time, and ensure your project is resilient and adaptable to market changes.
    What is involved in the Technical Implementation phase?
    Technical Implementation is the process of deploying the developed models and strategies into working technology. This includes the setup of smart contracts, blockchain infrastructure, and ensuring the system is secure, efficient, and scalable.
    How do you ensure the models and strategies are aligned with real-world scenarios?
    Our models and strategies are rigorously tested through simulations that mimic real-world scenarios, including market fluctuations and user behavior changes. This ensures that our solutions are not only theoretically sound but also practical and adaptable.
    What makes your consulting firm unique in the field of Crypto Economics?
    Our firm stands out due to our comprehensive and tailored approach, which covers every aspect of Crypto Economics consulting from system discovery to on-chain validation. Our flexibility to engage at any project stage, combined with our expertise in modeling, simulation, and technical implementation, ensures that we can provide value-driven solutions regardless of where you are in your project lifecycle.

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    Whether you have questions, collaboration ideas, or just want to say hello, we’re here and ready to connect. Your inquiries are important to us, and we look forward to engaging in meaningful conversations.

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      Tokenomia.pro sp. z o.o. ul. Cytrynowa 5 62069 Dabrowa, Poland VATID: PL7773382326